Social Policy: How Will The Right Wing Get Together?

by Taylor Caldwell

Famous author Taylor Caldwell (Janet Rebak), supported Willis’s newsletter RIGHT during the l950s-l960s with her articles. She went on many lecture tours as well , working tirelessly for conservative causes.

The British have made an admirable virtue of self-restraint and reserve and respect for law. An overly-emotional per-son, or one given to expressing himself too extravagantly, is looked upon as a bounder, an ill-bred person. This is true not only of the nobleman and gentry, but of the laborer (the coal-miner, the bookkeeper, the bus-driver, and all the rest of the working class). It is impossible to tell a professional man from a factory worker by manners alone.

Manners are superb in England. The English despise those who show disrespect for law. The police are high in the reverence of the people. It would take a huge catastrophe to excite or enrage the English. Even the rockets and bombs dropping constantly on the cities during the war did not cause panic or hysteria. These were regarded with contempt.

Yet now, today, the British are inflamed to the point of complete violence. I recently returned from England. During the months of August and September, 1958, race-fury against the Jamaican Negroes in London, especially, staggers American observer who hears so much about Little Rock.
The British newspapers were completely uninhibited in dramatic first-page stories, accompanied by big photographs of ghastly scenes.

The riots took place, not in restricted and better residential sections of London where some snobbishness might be expected, but in the working-class sections of Notting Hill and Nottingham. Here live people who were conditioned by English liberals and Laborites and Socialists to regard all races with indulgence and tolerance, and in particular the Negro.
They had read for several years about the resistance of our own Southern States to the desegregation decision of the Supreme Court, and the English, with their deep respect for law and order, could not “understand” the resistance….


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About the Author: WAC Library