Is War still the preferred option? Matthias Chang covered the Middle East in 2007 from all sides.
War Crime Alert!
A War Crime Against Humanity… Put the Perpertrators on Trial
When Malaysian diplomat, author and activist Matthias Chang visited Iraq before the second U.S. invasion, what he saw in Iraq’s maternity wards shocked him. He vowed then to do something about the epidemic of mass deformities and cancers that has hit the offspring of the Iraqi people. According to many scientists, these deformations are the direct result of the Anglo-American use of depleted uranium weaponry—-banned by a majority of nations. The photos that follow are disturbing, but we felt it was important for you to see a few of the MILDER cases. It could go down as one of the worst war crimes in the history of this planet. Who else has ever gone so far as to monkey with another nation’s gene pool and then deny culpability and refuse assistance? Depleted uranium has a half-life of 4.5 million years, so this scourge will be with the Iraqi people for generation upon generation. Chang believes a “Nuremberg-style” commission should be established to try the culprits of this heinous war crime and others-even if the trail leads straight to the desks of President George W. Bush and Prime Minster Tony Blair. Chang also believes the very act of war itself should be considered a crime.

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