The 1956 Republican Convention

The 1956 Republican Convention was a hotbed for members/supporters rebelling against everything, including Eisenhower as President. Willis had established Liberty and Property together with like-minded friends at that time in California.. This was their first attempt to change many aspects of the public’s support by Republican members.

Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph – Colorado’s Most Consistent Newspaper

We believe that one truth is always consistent with another truth. We endeavor to be consistent with the truth expressed in such great moral guides as the Golden Rule, the Ten Commandments and the Declaration of Independence. Should we at any time be inconsistent with these truths, we would appreciate anyone pointing out such inconsistency.

Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph – Monday, August 13, 1956


One of the shortest, political moods we have observed in a long time as being engineered in San Francisco, patriot organization known as “liberty and property “. This group is thoroughly disenchanted with liberal republicanism as personified by present administration.

And so, during the Republican convention which will be held the week of August 20 in San Francisco, liberty and property will open “Conservative” Republican Headquarters and do what it can to offset the control of the Republican party presently in the hands of the internationalist squanderbund set.


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About the Author: WAC Library