The Reality of Race

RIGHT newsletter was published by Willis Carto from 1955 to 1960, at times he used the pseudonym, E. L. Anderson.

By E. L. ANDERSON, Ph.D (Box 67, Sausalito, Calif.) May 1957

(Here is the special report on the race issue- -North, South and worldwide, promised to RIGHT readers last issue.)

Although most people would rather not do so the issue of Race must be faced because it exists.
Liberals and Communists have so exploited the subject that more and more Rightists are finding it necessary to acquaint themselves with the facts. This is unfortunate for the liberals because investigation shows that the liberal position-that of “integration”- -is not only Constitutionally and Biblically indefensible but is also scientifically, physiologically, socially and morally wrong, as well.

In a larger sense the issue of Race is important because of the rise of the colored world which is making intelligent persons realize that many of the so-called “extremists” and “crackpots” have been right. The Issue is seen as nothing less than the very survival of the White man and his creations. Put another way The Issue is Colored Supremacy -Yes or No? In the words of James Burnham, writing in National Review, “The simple statistics of world population prove that if the Western mind submits to the egalitarian doctrine of Liberalism and Social-ism, then the outcome is mathematically inevitable.”

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