The Story of Modern Zionism | Don Bell Reports

The Story of Modern Zionism | Don Bell Reports | Part 11

Following the end of the shooting phase of World War Two, Great Britain had tried valiantly to bring peace and calm to exploding Palestine. But the Zionist pressure brought upon her from the pro-Zionists of America-headed by Harry Truman made it impossible for England to solve the problem. Britain threw in the sponge and placed the crisis in the lap of the United Nations. That organization named a “loaded special committee (UNSCOP) to study the question and submit a report to the General Assembly, which was to meet in the fall of 1947. As discussed in our last Letter (Part Ten), the committee issued two reports; a majority report which might have been written by the Elders of Zion themselves, and a minority report which recognized the fact that the Arabs living in Palestine were people, after all, and deserved to be treated as, such, even though the Zionists might consider them mere cattle.

Faced with two reports instead of one, the UN General Assembly found it expedient to name a new Ad Hoc Committee to consider the two reports of UNSCOP. This new committee was named on Sept. 3, 1947, and it, in turn, named the Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Herbert V. Evatt its chairman.

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