Stop the Killing | by Willis Carto

Willis Carto made the comments for The Spotlight during the Afghanistan debacle for pointing out the benefits that media gathered from getting rich in wars.

By Willis A Carto

Commentators of newspaper, radio and TV are all busy, as we write this, in reporting and gloating about the grand war against the evil Nazis, some 70 years ago.

We won that great struggle and prevented Adolf Hitler from conquering the world!
Such is the official line of the US government, England, France and, of course, Russia.
The official line of governments and the establishment propagandists (historians) who work for them is normally false. But lies are useful for raising taxes, wars and making arms manufacturers and bankers wealthy.

Let us look more closely at the facts behind WWII without the benefit of any government propaganda, mainly the uncomfortable fact that Hitler did everything humanly possible to prevent war between Germany and England, even sending his deputy, Rudolf Hess to England to try and keep the peace. His primary foreign policy aim was to prevent the takeover of Europe by the genocidal Soviet Communist tyrant, Josef Stalin. That this was at the very top of Stalin’s agenda there can be no doubt.

Until the invasion of Europe by England and America Hitler did stop Stalin and for that historical feat there should be monuments of Hitler all over Europe.
Honest historian academics (find one if you can) recognize that Hitler saved Europe and the lives of millions of Europeans. But the primary dogma of British foreign policy has always been to maintain a “balance of power” in Europe, thus freeing itself to control 17/20ths of the Earth’s surface with its navy. So the importunings of Hitler and his foreign minister, Joachim von Ribbentrop, and even the sacrifice of his deputy, Rudolf Hess*, who flew to England in a last-ditch attempt to bring peace to Europe, was futile.

Churchill knew that he had the backing of America with his war plans even as Roosevelt was assuring gullible Americans “over and over and over again that your boys will not be sent to a foreign war.”

Why did Roosevelt want war? Because in his twisted mind and body, he realized that war would mean a third and even a fourth term.

Even academic historians admit that the Roosevelt crowd baited Japan into attacking America. The disaster caused the losses of << battleships, etc., etc.>>. not to mention the reputations of Admiral Husband Kimmel and Gen. Walter Short, who Roosevelt and the Jews and traitors around him criminally blamed for the disaster.

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