Frank A. Capell

Dear Frank: Thanks for yours of May 6. I certainly appreciate the work you are doing for Mr. Golenieswski and I know that he does to. Both and you have…

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If Mencken Would Return….

The American Mercury Magazine was published by Willis Carto from 1966 through 1979. It was founded by the famous H.L.Mencken in 1922 and was published under various ownerships after Mencken…

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Russell Maguire

This is just a little note to say “thank you” and express my appreciation for the plug you gave The American Mercury Magazine . . .

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New Evidence in Anthropology

The recent discoveries of the eminent paleoanthropologist Richard Leakey, of 2.7 million year old human-type fossil remains…

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American Mercury 50th Anniversary Edition

1924 to 1974: Telling the Truth for Fifty Years; Being a brief history of the trials and tribulations of an honest journal of unpopular opinion in support of anti-communism, Americanism…

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Lawrence Dennis

Lawrence Dennis was, in many ways, a mentor to Willis Carto.

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